
#15: Putting the team in front of everything is the most important thing | Geoffroy Rivet-Sabourin, CTO at PulseMedica

Geoffroy tells about how ML is used with a large platform for eye disease treatment platform, in-house vs. outsourced development and more.

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#15: Putting the team in front of everything is the most important thing | Geoffroy Rivet-Sabourin, CTO at PulseMedica

Geoffroy tells about how ML is used with a large platform for eye disease treatment platform, in-house vs. outsourced development and more.

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Home Healthcare Market Trends to Follow

Home healthcare market trends show the increased demand for acute and specialized home care. Find out how technology can help agencies optimize their work.

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#14: Building outsource & in-house dev team for healthcare startup | Tim Ahong, CTO at Caribou

In this episode, you'll learn about the development and sales process of tech solutions for a niche market.

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#13: Japanese healthtech & AI possibilities to help people with dementia | Yu Shimizu, CTO at Aikomi

Yu Shimizu shows how the Japanese healthtech market works and more about the app for people with dementia.

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#12: As for a startup, what’s your biggest asset? Your people | Ankit Anand, VP of Software Engineering at Sleepiz

Ankit Anand, Software Engineering VP, talks about hardware, software of Sleepiz, sleep apnea, and useful ideas for engineers and engineering managers.

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#11: Opportunities for growth are huge and you can always switch back | Ram Prayaga, CTO/Exec Advisor at mPulse Mobile

Ram Prayaga talks about staff hiring, leadership, a balance between innovations to invest in, and the other challenges in tech development.

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#10: There's always someone who knows somebody who has anemia | Erika Tyburski, CEO & Co-Founder of Sanguina

Erika Tyburski shares a story of Sanguina that creates useful tools to help people with anemia.

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Top 6 Telemedicine Adoption Challenges and Opportunities

Discover 6 biggest challenges of telemedicine and telehealth adoption and learn how to overcome them!

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#9: Be open to tweaking and pivoting as a leader because things are going to change | Vanessa Sandarusi, President of Zeblismapo

Vanessa Sandarus talks about integrating EMR, the advantages of creating custom solutions, the importance of gathering clinician data, and the opportunities it gives.

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